Abstract and Papers – Instructions for creating papers
Publication opportunity
Participants of the MME 2018 conference are invited to submit an abstract via the conference submission system. Abstracts should have 12-16 lines (900 – 1200 characters) – the length of the abstract should in any case not exceed one page (A4 format) and authors are required to comply with the abstract templates provided below. Abstract should not contain images or mathematical formulas. Submissions and modification of abstracts will be managed by the conference submission system. To register to the submission system (and to log in after registering), please visit the conference submission system page. After log-in please provide the text of the abstract in the required fields as well as a PDF version of the abstract that complies with the following abstract template.

Abstract templates

Abstract submission tutorial for the EasyChair submission system
After the acceptance of the abstract, authors will be invited to submit full papers via the conference submission system. Papers will be published in the conference proceedings after successful double review and after the conference fee is paid. The conference proceedings will be listed on the Thomson Reuters ISI Index to Social Sciences & Humanities Proceedings (ISSHP) and the Thomson Reuters ISI Index to Social Sciences & Humanities Proceedings (ISSHP/ISI Proceedings).

How to write a full paper
After the acceptance of the abstract, prospective authors are invited to submit papers of no more than 6 pages in length including results, figures and references. It is necessary to write the paper according to the instructions using the full paper templates provided below.

Full paper templates

Paper submission tutorial for the EasyChair submission system
Please stick to the templates provided, use only Ms Word or TEX to write the papers and do not to make any changes to the templates! Use the conference submission system to submit the full paper in PDF version. Please do not provide figures in a lower resolution than 600 DPI (300 DPI for photographs). Do not supply files that are too low in resolution or disproportionately large for the content.